It is just for personal use, not for distribution & commercial use. I have added almost all source information in each page. If you think it’s a problem, please feel free to contact me and I will remove the related items.
v1.x | x = revision count
Table Of Contents:
Computer Graphics
Great resources I used when I am learning and enjoying computer graphics! 🥲
- LearnOpenGL
- CSCI420: Computer Graphics
- CSCI580: 3D Graphics and Rendering
- GAMES101 / CS180: Introduction to Computer Graphics
- Scratchapixel
- It has everything! Content about Monte Carlo is awesome!
- TinyRenderer (software rasterizer)
- GAMES202 / CS291A: Real-Time High Quality Rendering
- Ray Tracing In One Weekend Book Series (high-quality ray tracer)
- UE4: An In-Depth Look at Real-Time Rendering (My Notes)
- My Collection & Notes of PBR Articles (Good Read!)
- The Cherno
- OpenGL Series
- Game Engine Series (Hazel Engine) (amazing tutorial!)
- Metal
CS 61B (Data Structures)
Spring 2018 (Part 1 ~ 2) & Spring 2019 (Part 3 ~ 14) | Joshua Hug | Berkeley
Lecture Notes + My Notes & Code + Extra Contents (AVL, Floyd-Warshall, etc.)
Lectures (1 ~ 40) & Discussions & Homeworks (0 ~ 4) & Exercise & Labs (0 ~ 13)
- CS 61B | Part 1 | List (Linked List & Array List) v1.3
- CS 61B | Part 2 | Testing, Inheritances, HOFs, Polymorphism, Package, Access Control v1.3
- CS 61B | Part 3 | Asymptotic, Disjoint Set (Dynamic Connectivity) v1.3
- CS 61B | Part 4 | ADTs, Set, Map, Binary Search Tree (BST) v1.2
- CS 61B | Part 5 | Self-Balancing Trees (B-Tree, Red Black Tree, AVL, Splay Tree) v1.2
- CS 61B | Part 6 | Hashing, PQs and Heaps v1.1
- CS 61B | Part 7 | Data Structures Summary v1.2
- CS 61B | Part 8 | Tries (Prefix), Range Searching and Multi-Dimensional Data v1.2
- CS 61B | Part 9 | Tree & Graph Traversals (DFS / BFS) v1.2
- CS 61B | Part 10 | Shortest Paths (SP), Minimum Spanning Trees (MST) v1.2
- CS 61B | Part 11 | Topological Sort, DAG-LPT, DAG-SPT, DP, LIS / LLIS v1.2
- CS 61B | Part 12 | Selection & Heap, Merge, Insertion & Shell’s Sort v1.2
- CS 61B | Part 13 | Bubble & Quick Sort, Stability, Bounds, Radix Sort, Comparisons v1.1
- CS 61B | Part 14 | Compression, P = NP?, Conclusions v1.1
Object-Oriented Design
- CMake Tutorial very good!