Reference: LeetCode Difficulty: Medium
Given two binary search trees, return True
if and only if there is a node in the first tree and a node in the second tree whose values sum up to a given integer target
1 2 3 Input: root1 = [2 ,1 ,4 ], root2 = [1 ,0 ,3 ], target = 5 Output: true Explanation: 2 and 3 sum up to 5.
1 2 Input: root1 = [0 ,-10 ,10 ], root2 = [5 ,1 ,7 ,0 ,2 ], target = 18 Output: false
Each tree has at most 5000
-10^9 <= target
, node.val <= 10^9
Analysis Brute-Force 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 public boolean twoSumBSTs (TreeNode root1, TreeNode root2, int target) { if (root1 == null ) { return false ; } if (find(root2, target - root1.val)) { return true ; } return twoSumBSTs(root1.left, root2, target) || twoSumBSTs(root1.right, root2, target); } private boolean find (TreeNode root, int target) { if (root == null ) { return false ; } if (target == root.val) { return true ; } else if (target < root.val) { return find(root.left, target); } else { return find(root.right, target); } }
Time: $O(MN)$Space: $O(\max{(M, N)})$
Two Pointers Convert to two lists list1
and list2
, then apply the two-pointer method.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 public boolean twoSumBSTs (TreeNode root1, TreeNode root2, int target) { List<Integer> list1 = new ArrayList <>(); List<Integer> list2 = new ArrayList <>(); listByInorder(root1, list1); listByInorder(root2, list2); int lo = 0 , hi = list2.size() - 1 ; while (lo < list1.size() && hi >= 0 ) { int sum = list1.get(lo) + list2.get(hi); if (sum == target) { return true ; } else if (sum < target) { ++lo; } else { --hi; } } return false ; } private void listByInorder (TreeNode root, List<Integer> list) { if (root == null ) { return ; } listByInorder(root.left, list); list.add(root.val); listByInorder(root.right, list); }
Time: $O(M + N)$Space: $O(\log{\max{(M, N)}})$ in the best case; $O(\max{(M, N)})$ in the worst case.